- 2007 La Borne s’enflamme, Centre céramique La Borne, France
Art of fire / Gallery DESIGN, Wroclaw, Poland
- 2008 28 Concurso Internacional de Ceramica d’Alcora CICA, Spain
Triennale Spiez, Switzerland
Le Living, Montreux, Switzerland
Terres enfumées, Galerie l’Essor, Le Sentier, Switzerland
Arte Diem, Saint-Chamond, France
- 2009 5e Biennal de Ceramica El Vendrell, Spain
Westerwaldmuseum, Höhr-Grenzhausen, Germany
Gallery Peter Kammermann, Carouge, Switzerland
Festival européen des arts du feu, St-Quentin-la-Poterie, France
5th World Ceramic Biennale Korea, Incheon, South Korea
- 2010 Sangwoo Kim & Elisabeth Pérusset / Gallery ArteSol, Solothurn, Switzerland
30th Concurso Internacional de Ceramica de l’Alcora CICA, Spain
Kiwanis Förderpreis, Schule für Gestaltung Bern, Switzerland
Galerie Jonas, Cortaillod, Switzerland
Biennale de céramique, Andenne, Belgium
- 2011 9th International Ceramics Festival Mino, Japan
10e Biennale internationale de céramique, Manises, Spain
Furtives certitudes, Galerie de l’Hôtel de Ville, Yverdon , Switzerland
- 2012 East Asian Contemporary Ceramics Exhibition, Yingge Ceramics Museum in Taipei,
New face / Ido Gallery, Séoul, South Korea
White in White, LVS Gallery, Séoul, South Korea
Kiwanis Förderpreis, Schule für Gestaltung Bern, Switzerland
Alliance de terre, Galerie Arts Pluriels, Château de Réchy, Switzerland
- 2013 Aichi Prefectural Ceramic Museum, Japan
21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Japan
Cheongju International Craft Biennale, South Korea
New History, Museum of Seoul National University, South Korea
Galerie Le Don du Fel, France
Swiss ceramics, Museo d’Arte Mendrisio, Switzerland
- 2014 Galerie Marianne Brand, Carouge, Switzerland
Galerie Claudia Geiser, Zürich, Switzerland
Best Form, Kornhaus, Bern, Switzerland
Round, LVS Gallery, Séoul, South Korea
Galerie Elfi Bohrer Zürich, Switzerland
1ère Biennale internationale de céramique, Saint-Cergue, Switzerland
- 2015 Multi-coloured stories to know, Yeoju, South Korea
Munich Creative Business Week, Galerie Rieder, Germany
Galerie accro Terre, Paris, France
Galerie Marianne Brand, Carouge, Switzerland
- 2016 Galerie Handwerk , München, Germany
Meister der Moderne, Internationale Handwerksmesse München, Germany
Galerie du Don , Le Don du Fel, France
Station 8, Zuzwil, Switzerland
Musée Théodore Deck, Guebwiller, France
Terralha, Saint-Quentin-la-Poterie, France
Keramiktage Oldenburg, Germany
Les Tupiniers, Lyon, France
-2017 Loewe Craft Prize, Madrid, Spain
- Musée Ariana, Geneva, Switzerland
- Amore Pacific Museum of Art, South Korea
- Akademia Sztuk Pilknych we Wroclawiu, Poland
- Museu del Fang de Marratxi, Spain
- Musée de Carouge, Switzerland
- Fine Art Museum, Slovenia
- Seoul Museum of Craft Art, South Korea